Rose Brand Debuts Cost-Saving 'Melt Out' FabricRose Brand Debuts Cost-Saving 'Melt Out' Fabric

Rose Brand debuts cost-saving 'Melt Out' fabric for events, displays and exhibits

Special Events

August 23, 2016

1 Min Read
Melt Out fabric from Rose Brand

Designed to diffuse overhead light in events and exhibits, "Melt Out" ceiling fabric from Rose Brand features meltable seams every 12 inches along its length. If fire breaks out, the seams open, allowing smoke to escape and water from sprinklers to flow through. Customers save more than half the cost of similar products without sacrificing quality, aesthetics or safety, the company says. Melt Out is 96 inches wide, inherently flame-retardant and stretchable; it is available in black, white, red, blue, dark gray and light gray.

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