And the Gala Award Goes to...MC60—Merry Mary BashAnd the Gala Award Goes to...MC60—Merry Mary Bash
The first part in our Gala Award feature series
June 17, 2022

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All photography courtesy of Damon Tucci Photography
Once again, it’s time to celebrate the exceptional events that took place throughout the year. This year’s Gala Award winners were honored at an awards ceremony at The Special Event in Anaheim, and some will be featured in our summer issue of Special Events Magazine. Throughout the summer, we will be featuring these winners and their spectacular events on the blog, so get inspired and get your event submitted for a 2023 Gala Award!
Read our submission blog post to learn more about submitting your event.
And now, enjoy the pink Christmas flair of the 2022 winner for the category of Best Entertainment. Table 6 Productions hosted a glitzy pink Christmas-themed birthday party for their client, the aptly named Mary Chris Smith. They incorporated flamingo elements for a touch of Florida, where the party was hosted, and modeled the event after the dream scenes of the Nutcracker ballet. With live performances from LED-lit sugar plum fairies and hip-hop toy soldiers, the entertainment provided guests with the ultimate “Pink Christmas” holiday birthday party experience. Congratulations to Table 6 Productions for producing “MC60—Merry Mary Bash!”