Building Confidence & Courage as an Event EntrepreneurBuilding Confidence & Courage as an Event Entrepreneur
To succeed in the industry, you must be courageous in every step of your brand experience.

Running an event business is not for the faint of heart. In addition to managing all of the internal operations, like backend systems and marketing, you also work with clients as they navigate the emotional journey of planning an event.
To succeed in the industry, you must be courageous in every step of your brand experience: from showing vulnerability on social media and demonstrating your value on sales calls, all the way through to executing an incredible event only you can produce.
Without confidence, you will second-guess important decisions, book the wrong clients, fall victim to scope creep, and fail to establish boundaries in your business. Simply put, entrepreneurs with low self-esteem can be taken advantage of easily—which is not why you started your event business.
The Special Event, co-located with The Catersource Conference & Tradeshow, is heading to Anaheim May 2 – 5, 2022. With fresh keynotes, new networking opportunities, eye-popping showcasing events and never-before-seen industry speakers, prepare to be wowed. Learn more
You chose this path to flourish as a business owner and create a legacy that will last for generations.
Unfortunately, confidence doesn’t come naturally for most people. Instead, it’s something you need to cultivate over time with intention and purpose. And if a lack of confidence is holding you back, rest assured that you’re not alone—we all need a refresher every now and then to keep our inner critics at bay and put us on top of our game.
Embrace these four strategies to build more courage and confidence in yourself, not just in business but as a powerful, successful individual.
Invite failure into your life.
You read that right—failure isn’t a bad thing! While it might feel like a gut punch at the moment, failures are life’s way of telling us what we need to fix to get back on track. They shine a light on inefficiencies, limiting beliefs, energy blockages, and other obstacles that show up to put a damper on our lives.
And here’s the thing: everybody fails. Not a single success story is without its speed bumps, so the next time you want to give up and run away, remember that many have made those same mistakes along the way (and guess what—they overcame them!).
By inviting failure into your life, you are asking the universe to teach you how to become better. What could be wrong with that? Every blunder, gaffe, and misstep pushes you closer to your heart’s purpose, so don’t be afraid to slip up—as long as you are prepared to accept the lesson, learn from it, and apply it for the better.
Think less, do more.
As creatives, we have a tendency to get caught up in our heads thinking about the many details and outcomes associated with an action. What will people think? What if you get it wrong? How will this impact your brand? Can you do this better than last time?
While these are all important considerations, it becomes problematic when a never-ending train of thought prevents you from taking meaningful action. Yes, important business decisions require careful thought, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of progress.
When you start to overthink and second-guess yourself, make a point to stop and just start doing. Will you make a mistake? Maybe! But that’s all part of the journey—reread the previous section if fear of failure is keeping you trapped in your head.
Hype yourself up.
There’s a reason people love a good Hollywood pep talk—they get you pumped up for whatever comes next! Adopt this technique in your business to build momentum, grow your confidence, and reinvigorate your commitment to reaching your goals.
Mantras and affirmations are excellent ways to introduce positive self-talk into your life, which is a technique that will uplift your energy at home and at work. Find the nearest mirror and start giving yourself a five-star motivational speech. If you’re having trouble, try one of these on for size:
“I am balanced, joyful, and creative.”
“I lovingly accept all parts of myself.”
“Fear does not define me or my self-worth.”
“I love this—all of this.”
“I have all I need within me to be successful.”
Once you find one that feels right and fills you up inside, commit it to memory and repeat it to yourself any time you start to feel less than amazing. Before you know it, it’ll come out as easily as your own address—and you’ll believe it, too.
Reflect on your “why.”
When you are feeling down on yourself and insecure about your potential, consider why you started your business in the first place. It was likely inspired by a passion for your craft, but the decision was also formed upon your skillset. You can’t start a photography business if you don’t know the difference between aperture and shutter speed!
You are great at what you do and you love what you do—even if it’s been a while since you felt the joy of it. The daily grind of entrepreneurship has a way of pulling us away from our “why,” so make some time to revisit your purpose and reflect on how far you’ve come.
Journaling is a powerful technique for digging beneath the surface and rediscovering the inner motivations that have steered you to this point in your life. Here are a few prompts to help you find clarity and restore the confidence you felt when you declared, “I’m going to be an entrepreneur and create my own version of success!”
Think back to your decision to start a business. How did it make you feel to commit to that choice? What inspired you to take that step?
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur and how did you overcome them? What did you learn from those experiences?
Imagine a life in which you knew every person would say “yes” to you—your clients, your team, your family members, everyone. Take “no” out of your vocabulary. How would you harness that power? What would you achieve?
Building confidence is a matter of gaining experience—and to do so, you must be courageous in all that you do. Courage doesn’t mean you don’t have fears; it simply means you don’t let those fears dictate your decisions. It’s going through life and taking what you deserve despite the inner critic telling you to sit down and be quiet. We can never rid ourselves of fear, but we can rise above it and let it take the backseat to our inherent power and intuition.