Making Your Values StickyMaking Your Values Sticky

Three ways to get your employees to share your company mission

Special Events

August 28, 2024

1 Min Read

Do your company's values stick with your employees? Do they know why you make the decisions you do? Are they on the same page as you?

"When my father owned Footers Catering, he didn’t have a mission statement, a formal vision, or defined values," wrote Anthonly Lambatos, owner of Footers Catering, in a recent article for Catersource magazine. "He loved catering and simply wanted to provide great food and service to his clients and make a living that supported our family. While he had success, it was usually reliant on him being at the events because he struggled to translate his passion to his employees. They lacked an understanding of why the company existed, where my dad wanted it to go, and what the company stood for. Sure, he had a handful of committed people, but overall, there was a lack of teamwork, minimal engagement, and additionally, employees also worked on or pushed their own agendas that weren’t always in line with the company’s best interests."

According to Lambatos, there are three great ways to make your values "stick:"

  1. Acronyms

  2. Alliteration

  3. Rule of Three

Learn how each of these tools can improve employee understanding of company values in the full article from Catersource.

About the Author

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