Special Events Blog

Communicating Costs & Pricing with Clients

Balancing rising costs with client satisfaction is a fine line to walk. On one hand, you must protect your business’s profit margins at all costs. Yet, extreme pricing hikes and surprise fees aren’t a recipe for happy customers.

Just as the industry emerges from the pandemic downturn, economic pressure is keeping event professionals on their toes. With terms like “recession” and “inflation” showing up in seemingly every news headline, many business owners are battening down the hatches to prepare for the uncertainties ahead.

Needless to say, balancing rising costs with client satisfaction is a fine line to walk. On one hand, you must protect your business’s profit margins at all costs. Yet, extreme pricing hikes and surprise fees aren’t a recipe for happy customers.

But, wait. Is your bottom line supposed to swallow the impact of inflation? 

Head over to Catersource to hear from Meghan Ely what savvy entrepreneurs can do to safeguard their business’s interests while keeping clients happy. 

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