IN THIS HIGH-TECH age, software is a necessity for every business, especially one with as many components as event rental. Whether the concern is managing time or inventory — or, most likely, both — these tips from rental software experts will he...
“Rental Essentials” looks at seven event rental companies that are celebrating noteworthy anniversaries this year to learn their secrets of staying in the game.
THE ARKANSAS TENT tragedy in October — in which three employees of a party rental company died after allowing a tent they were carrying to touch power lines — has focused the attention of the industry on worker safety. In this month's “Rental Ess...
THE WACKY WORLD of permitting for special events has most event rental operators doing one of two things: A, striving to comply while silently cursing or, B, striving to comply while cursing aloud. We look at some of these problems and their roots...
WHILE SOME EVENT rental operators put their tents and events where they want, when they want, others complain about a problem with a capital P: permits...
FROM HER START renting her spare white wood chairs to fellow caterers in the mid-'90s, Betsy Stone built South San Francisco-based Sisters Party Rentals into a booming rental business. She sold to Classic Party Rentals in August 2003, but came...
NEARLY THREE DECADES in event rental have taught Tom Brown a thing or two about how to sustain success. First off, when a good opportunity presents itself to you, take it...