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Special Events in 2032: What Does the Future Hold?

Special Events Magazine celebrates 25 years in publishing next month, and in our September cover story, we take a look ahead another 25 years. We'll be 50 years old in 2032; what will special events look like then? Here is what our readers told us:

What will decor look like?
"I don't see much changing, just reinventions of old themes. But this time, even this era--the early 21st century--will be considered old, and theme parties will thrive based on the early 2000s!" David Merrell, An Original Occasion, Los Angeles
"Decor will all be based on wireless technologies with an edge that we now term 'green,' but by 2032 will be the standard--hopefully. Low wattage, low power, low emissions, recycled products." Tom Bercu, Tom Bercu Presents, Los Angeles
"It will be all about virtual imagery that can change throughout the lifespan of the event. Perhaps as the keynote speaker uses a baseball metaphor, the entire room changes into Dodger Stadium." Jon Michaels, Extraordinary Events, Sherman Oaks, Calif.
"We will have more customers who will be able to afford luxury and who have grown up with luxury. Today's 13-year-old who is celebrating a mitzvah in 2007 will be 38 in 2032 and likely will be planning events for their children. They will only have known the luxury that they grew up with." Daniel Briones, CPCE, Four Seasons Philadelphia, Philadelphia

What will event venues look like?
"'Fly Me to the Moon' will be a standard phrase in airports shuttling guests to all sorts of stars and space stations." Tom Bercu
"We feel people will begin to see all places/spaces as a venue. As people try to separate themselves and the uniqueness and creativity of their own events from everyone else’s, they will turn towards unusual, less traditional places to use as venues. Why not build a luxurious tree house and party in a canopy somewhere?! On a plane, on a glacier--in space?!" Evan and Jordan Carbotti, Perfect Surroundings, Newport, R.I.

What events will be so over?
"The 'white' party." Tom Bercu
"Lounge parties!" Jon Michaels
"I hope the 'super Sweet 16' parties will be done with." Jen Poyer, Catalina Island Conservancy, Long Beach, Calif.
"'80s parties. They weren't that good during the '80s." Matt Brown, Harith Productions Ltd., Willow Grove, Pa.

For more, see the September issue of Special Events Magazine. Photo by

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